вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

As we can see, the women on photo is smiling. I think that she is reading a letter from her family member or friend. It is obviously that the news are good. She feels happy and satisfied. In my opinion, the next thing she is going to do is share good news with other. And then she will write an answer.

The girl on this photo is very frightened. It seems that she is going to cry because of the scare. I think that someone want to make harm to her or to her relatives or friends. She doesn't know what to do. Maybe she is going to run away.

1 комментарий:

  1. - womAn
    - IN the photo (as well as IN the picture, IN the painting - use the preposition IN when you want to say that something is depicted in a photo or a picture)
    - to do is TO share good news with otherS.
    - someone wantS
    - to DO harm
