вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

When Should Parents Let Teens Make Their Own Decisions?

    Most parents think that teenagers aren't old enough to make their own decisions. So they always decide for their teenage children. But when should Parents let teens to make their own decisions? I think it depends on problem which they need to solve. Some decisions teens should make without parents, becouse we are learning on our mistakes. And how could child become independent and responsible, when parents decide everything and he doesn't need to think? 
    But our parents are wiser and they have more experience. They can help us to make right decision. So when we are speaking about important things we should listen to parents advice. That don't means that teen should do only what parents said and nothing else. I want to say that teens and their parents should discuss the decision and come to compromis. Because on some decisions depends our future life, for example the choice of future career.
    All in all, parent should let teens of all ages make their own decisions, but within a reasonable.

1 комментарий:

  1. - Better use MATURE (взрослый, зрелый) instead of OLD
    - let teens make (LET sb DO sth - without TO)
    - depends on A problem
    - Teens should make some decisions without parents (Follow the fixed word order in English)
    - becAuse we learn on our mistakes (Pr Cont is not necessary. We learn on our mistakes during the whole life, not only at the present moment)
    - how could A child
    - to make A right decision
    - when we SPEAK
    - that DOESN'T mean that a teen / teens
    - compromisE
    - Because our future life depends on some decisions (the fixed word order)
    - all in all, a parent / parents
    - resonable is an adjective, it can not stand alone and be used with an article. You may say - within resonable limits
